Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wonders of Creation

According to a new study, the Milky Way is at least 50% bigger than commonly estimated. The research conducted by an international team at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US established the presence of a bulging ring of stars beyond the known plane of the Milky Way. The findings show that the features previously identified as rings are actually part of the galactic disk, extending the known width of the Milky Way from 100,000 light years across to 150,000 light years. (The Times of India, March 13, 2015) 
The Creator is truly great, He made such a vast universe, of which our galaxy is only a tiny part. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a unique astronomical phenomenon. The solar system is a tiny part of this galaxy. If a person is far away in space and has a telescope with which he can view the entire Milky Way, then there will appear before him a mind-boggling scene. He will see that there is a magnificent starry galaxy in the vastness of space. The solar system is situated on one spiral arm of this galaxy. The planet earth is part of this solar system, which along with other planets are continually revolving around the sun. The person will only be able to exclaim in wonderment: ‘The Creator is truly great, He made such a vast universe, of which our galaxy is only a tiny part!


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