Thursday, January 31, 2019


Mahatma Gandhi was very shy by nature. In his book, My
Experiments with Truth, he confesses that it was a long time
before he managed to shake off his shyness. While studying
in London, he joined a vegetarian society. At one of its
meetings he was asked to make a speech. He stood up, but was unable
to express himself. Finally he brought himself to voice a few words
of thanks and sat down. On another occasion, when he was invited
to express his ideas on vegetarian food, he set his thoughts down on
paper, but was not even able to read out what he himself has written.
Someone, however, taking pity on him, read out his discourse fo r him.
After passing his examination in law from London, he started his
practice in Bombay. Here again his shyness was a stumbling block.
When he appeared before the judge in his first case, he was so nervous
that he could not say anything. He had to tell his client that he would
not be able to pursue his case, and that he should choose another
lawyer for himself.
However, as Gandhiji writes, this apparent disadvantage turned to
his advantage:
My hesitancy in speech, which was once an annoyance, is now
a pleasure. Its greatest benefit has been that it has taught me the
economy of words. I have naturally formed the habit of restraining
my thoughts. And I can now give myself a certificate that a
thoughtless word hardly ever escaped my tongue or pen.
Mahatma Gandhi was well-known for his thoughtful and economical
manner of speech. But this outstanding trait only came from another
trait which few would consider outstanding. Initially his shyness
prevented him from speaking in public; later on it made him thoughtful
and economical when he spoke.


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