Sunday, March 3, 2019


Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727), the well-known British scientist, was born in a farmer’s family. Initially, his mother wanted him to pursue the family vocation of farming.
She started him on the job to learn the techniques of farming but he failed. Later, Newton was sent to school where he started his education, excelled and soon emerged as one of the greatest champions of modern science.
This story has a great lesson. And that is, if you are not successful at first, it should not dishearten you; because there may be a second chance waiting for you that may prove to be better than the first. Recognition always comes after rejection. It is a law of nature. If you find that one door is closed for you, don’t stop your journey,try to know the other door. And, you will happily find that there was one who was ready to receive you.


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